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Technology vs Teachers: Can technology replace teachers?


Can we replace teachers with computers?

I disagree that teachers can be replaced by computers , Teachers share their knowledge by sharing it with students.Some queries cannot be solved by the computers.It has to be solved by the teacher. Teachers take class tests frequently which helps students to understand the topic in better way.Teachers take care of mental and physical health of the body and help us to remain conscious in class.So teachers can never be replaced by any computers or virtual classes.

First, I would like to write the differences between humans and computers. Humans have a brain, but computers do not have it. Humans can think but computers cannot. This is a biggest difference between humans and computers. It relates to heart. When teachers teach to students, teachers teach with their passions or other emotions. Computers do not have passion or other emotions so if computers hold the class, it must be boring because computers just teach without any emotions. When we explain something, many people connect their experience and memory with facts or knowledge. However, computers do not have any memories and experiences, so computers can teach only facts.

In conclusion, computers cannot replace teachers. These days teachers work every day like most teachers in charge of club activity held after school and Saturday and Sunday. In addition, teachers have to prepare for class and mark student’s exams when teachers do not have classes. It means teachers do not have enough time to rest. It is a serious problem. However, teachers can use computers, when they mark student’s exams. Teachers can rely on the computer. As I said computers cannot replace teachers, but teachers can use computer during the class. For example, some schools use tablets during the class. It can help teachers. For example, teachers can teach facts, so they can use computers when they teach like history and Kanji. Students only have to memorize these subjects, so teachers are not necessary. Teachers can use this time for other things. Computers are very smart and easy to use but to rely on computer anytime is dangerous. Computers never replace teachers.

Another fact is that, computers can analyse and detects faults in whatever event the student partake in. For instance, a computer can know that this particular student is finding it hard to differentiate between this and that even when it was being recited loudly. Humans do not have such qualities even the psychologists.

According to health experts, people who do not take ergonomic breaks when using the computers and may suffer from chronic ailment such as damaged spinal cords, eye problem, wrist pains, neck strains and other computer related diseases.

Teachers on the other hand do not have all these skills but they can instil moral discipline in children. Computers on the other hand cannot do this. Teachers who are humans can use some illustrations which the child can easily understand.

Many schools cannot also afford the cost of buying and maintaining computers. Some parts of this world is now developing.Computers also cannot know human gestures and it has much of its teachings based on theories with just little practical’s. Also many parents prefer teachers to computers they see that student can misconduct themselves in class but the computer cannot punish them.

In conclusion, both computers and teachers have contributed immensely to the development of education in the world.

In my opinion, I think that computers can never and ever replace human teachers as long as human beings are reproducing.
