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Factors important for child growth


When we planting a sapling. As we concern about it, we take more care about it till it become a big tree. We water it, put in sunlight and all. In this way we have to take care of our kids, their proper growth and development.

How children grow and develop depend on both internal and external environmental factors, some, we have no control over and most of them we do. Having a good understanding of what children need at each stage of their growth and development helps us raise them better

Although the terms growth and development are used synonymously, they have different meanings biologically. Growth refers to physical characteristics such as height, weight, size, etc. while developments refers to qualitative changes to growth in a series of orderly and meaningful changes which lead to maturity. Growth and development contribute to each other and are inseparable and occur simultaneously.

Nature and nurture both contribute to the growth and development of children. Nature is constant, nurture makes all the difference and here are the factors affecting child growth and development.

  1. Heredity

Heredity is the transmission of physical characters from parents to children through their genes. It influences all aspects of physical appearance such as height, weight, body structure, the colour of the eye, the texture of the hair and even intelligence and aptitudes. Diseases are also passed through the gene and these genetic factors can adversely affect the growth of a child. However, environmental factors and nurturing can bring the best out of the already present qualities in the genes.

2. Environment

Environment plays a critical role in the development of children and it represents the sum of total physical and psychological stimulations the child receives. Some of the environmental factors influencing early childhood development involve the physical surroundings, geographical conditions, social environment and relationships with family and peers. It is observable that a well-nurtured child does better than a deprived one and the environment they are constantly immersed in contributes to this.

3. Sex

The sex of the child is another major determinant among the factors affecting physical growth and development of a child. Boys and girls grow in different ways, especially nearing puberty and during adolescence.

4.Exercise and Health

Exercise refers to the normal play time and sports activities which help the body to increase muscular strength, strengthening the immune system and put on bone mass. Good exercise help children grow well and reach milestones on time or sooner. Outdoor play exposes them to microbes that help them build resistance and prevent allergies.


Hormones influence the various functions of our bodies. They are produced by different glands that are situated in specific parts of the body to secrete hormones that control body functions. Imbalances in the functioning of hormone-secreting glands can result in growth defects, obesity, behavioural problems and other diseases.

6. Nutrition

Nutrition is a critical factor in growth as everything the body needs to build and repair itself comes from the food we eat. Malnutrition can cause deficiency diseases. On the other hand, overeating can lead to obesity and health problems in the long run such as diabetes and heart disease. A balanced diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals proteins, carbohydrates and fats is essential for the development of the brain and body.

7. Familial Influence

Families have the most profound impact in nurturing a child and determine the ways in which they develop psychologically and socially. The most positive growth is seen when families invest time, energy and love in the development of the child such as reading to them, playing with them and having deep meaningful conversations. Families that abuse or neglect children would detract them from a positive development. These children may end up as individuals who have poor social skills and difficulty with bonding as adults.

Although nature contributes much to the growth and development of children, nurture contributes much more.
